
the community of posting attached to google adsense

the community of posting attached to google adsense
 http://tieba.cangzhuo.com
the community of posting attached to google adsense
now it's the time you can be a google adsense publisher while posting in the forum!the greatest creationary thinking community of posting :when you issue your articles/messages in the bar, you can be a google adsense publisher , receiving your green color google cheque later.the registered user can input his/her personal code of google adsense account directly in the page via the simple setting up. not let's set up post your messages google adsense setting up the sample of posting attached to google adsense
hello, every registered user, there'll appear 2 google adsense spots on the corresponding browse posting sheet after you post your articles/messages in the bar.at the same time, we'll just ascribe the relevent google advertising revenues to you in person --the end-user. what you need is that you should insert your code of google adsense truthfully in the column below as shown. then pressing the "save" key is ok.in case of any questions, please refer to the information in detail about google. of course if these google advertisings affect your writing emotions, there is no demage when you take no action or remove your google adsense codes. 
发贴就能挣Google Adsense钱的贴吧社区  现在贴吧发贴可带上你的google广告了http://tieba.cangzhuo.com 创新思维贴吧:发贴就可以带上您的 Google Adsense 广告并获得相应的收益 注册用户只要进行简单的设置就可以在所发表的贴子中带上您的 Google Adsense广告并获得相应的收益! 现在就设置 贴吧发贴 Google Adsense设置 设置后发贴后的效果 用户您好,当您在贴吧里面发贴之后,对应的贴子浏览页上将出现 2个您的Google Adsense广告位,相应的广告收入收入所得将归您个人所有。您只需要将您的Google广告联盟中的广告编号如实填写到下面栏目中,并保存就可以了!关于Google Adsense的问题请参考谷歌(Google)的相关详细说明!当然如果您不想因为这些广告影响您写作的情绪,那您只要不进行任何设置或设置之后全部清除就不会在有广告出现了  
